Books of Moshe Feldenkrais
Body and Mature Behavior sex, anxiety, and the force of gravity
Moshe Feldenkrais 1996, p. 216 Translator
Losi F. - Editor Astrolabe Ubaldini (necklace Psyche and consciousness) (1949
, MATURE BODY AND BEHAVIOR: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation and learning - הגוף וההתנהגות הבוגרת) The powerful
I . A study of the spontaneity and the compulsion
Moshe Feldenkrais (introductory foreword by Mark Reese) 2007, 251 p.
The book was written in the late '40s and '50s, but published posthumously. Curator
Losi F. - Editor Astrolabe Ubaldini (necklace Psyche and consciousness) (1985, POTENT THE SELF, a study of spontaneity and compulsion) Awareness Through Movement Moshe Feldenkrais 1978, 216 p. Curator
Gorini R. - Editor Celuc Books (The Ark series) (1972, AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT: health exercises for personal growth - original publication in Hebrew / original Hebrew title, 1967, שכלול
היכולת - הלכה ומעשה, הוצאת אל"ף בע"מ משה פלדנקרייז) The case of Nora . An adventure in the jungle of the brain
Moshe Feldenkrais 1996, p. 120 Translator
Losi F. - Editor Astrolabe Ubaldini (necklace Psyche and consciousness) (1977, The Case of Nora: Body Awareness as Healing Therapy - 1976, מקרה נורה)
http: / / Basics method for understanding the processes psychomotor
Moshe Feldenkrais 1991, p. 148 AP Vallecchi
translator - Editor Astrolabe Ubaldini (necklace Psyche and consciousness) (1981, The Elusive OBVIOUS, or Basic Feldenkrais) The Feldenkrais method. Awareness Through Movement
(same text
de 'L'I Powerful' with a different translator)
Author Moshe Feldenkrais 1991, p. 260 Translator
Sbrogiò C. - Publisher
Red Edizioni (Studio series) (1985, POTENT THE SELF, a study of spontaneity and compulsion)