Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wedding Seating Chart Template Martha Stewart

NEWS 'free online in the first chapter of the book by Carl Ginsburg

I two lists of books "recommended" by Jeremy (December 2007 and December 2008) are reported in the Post May 2009 after Birthdays.
I tips Arlyn , texts Anatomy and Biology el ' list of the books of Moses, can be found among the post-2008 (July / August 2008), the link to get there This is the bottom of this page under " Older Posts" .

NEWS '2010
(waiting for some translations ....)
E' for 2010 announced the availability of the new book by Carl Ginsburg , the first chapter free download in English, is linked below:
The Intelligence of Moving Bodies: A Somatic View of Life and Its Consequences by Carl Ginsburg, Lucia Schuette-Ginsburg
Click here to read the first chapter of the book by Carl

Published in August, a collection of writings MOSH
Embodied Wisdom: The Collected Papers of Moshe Feldenkrais
http://www.amazon.com/Embodied-Wisdom-Collected-Papers-Feldenkrais/dp/1556439067/ref = pd_sim_b_2 # _

E 'in distribution by January 2011 the last work of VS Ramachandran
The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human
article presentation in English

Published in November 2010, the latest book by Antonio Damasio
Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain
http://www.amazon.com/Self-Comes-Mind-Constructing-Conscious/dp / = 0307378756/ref pd_sim_b_3

At the end of October 2010 was published in the latest work by Oliver Sacks
The Mind's Eye
description on Wikipedia
Commentary in Italian
Buy the book at Amazon

Published in September, the latest book by Peter Levine
In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
http://www. amazon.com/Unspoken-Voice-Releases-Restores-Goodness/dp/1556439431/ref = bxgy_cc_b_img_b

E 'was published in May 2010, the last work of Daniel Stern
Forms of Vitality: Exploring Dynamic Experience in Psychology, the Arts, Psychotherapy, and Development
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Forms-Vitality-Experience-Psychotherapy-Development/dp/0199586063/ref=pd_sim_b_3 In
library in March 2011, the Italian translation

in May 2010 was published the latest book by Daniel Siegel
The Mindful Therapist: A Clinician's Guide to Neural Integration and Mindsight
http:/ / www.amazon.com/Mindful-Therapist-Integration-Interpersonal-Neurobiology/dp/0393706451/ref=pd_sim_b_1

in January 2010 was published in the latest work directed by Jared Diamond
of Natural Experiments History


December 2009: a summary and operational work on attachment theory
Jeremy Holmes
Exploring Security in : Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-Security-Attachment -Informed-Psychoanalytic-Psychotherapy/dp/0415554144/ref = ntt_at_ep_dpt_3

April 2009: sull'autoguarigione a new publication from the author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, Bernie Siegel
Faith, Hope and Healing : Inspiring Lessons Learned from People Living with Cancer

In August 2010 we reported on changes to the rate of perceptual
Huxley The Doors of Perception , 1958 (The Doors of Perception, 1954)
Aldous Huxley, Mondadori 2002, 153 pp.

Approfonditissimo study on spine proposed by Livia (August 2009) The Spinal Engine of
Serge Gracovetsky

At the end of 2009 was published in the second Italian title given to us by Daniel Siegel Jeremy in December 2008, "The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being"
Mindfulness and brain
Daniel J. Siegel
Raffaello Cortina, 2009, 363 pp.

Jeremy, answering Niko (August 2009) on attention-Reorganization and joy, has suggested reading an author who "think like Feldenkrais on Learning and Awareness Education and the relationship with traditional , is a fascinating book. " not translated into Italian!
The Power of Mindful Learning, 1998
instead translated into Italian was the most famous book of Langer
The Conscious Mind . Live fully through a complete self-knowledge
Jane Ellen Langer
Corbaccio, 2008, pag.222
(1989 , Mindfulness ) (Of this the same book there is a previous edition: The conscious mind: psychology for a better life, 1990, Longanesi, see the Catalogue of Libraries of Rome for the loan) (E 'was recently published in Italian ( April 2010) the last work (2009 ) of Langer for the title we are familiar: " Counterclockwise )
http://www.hoepli.it/libro/in-senso-antiorario- come-allenare-il-cervello-per-tornare-giovani/9788863800340.asp

E 'was translated into Italian one of the books recommended by Arlyn in August 2008.
It 's very beautiful and easy to read, Highly recommended sites Feldene U.S. .
The discovery of the garden of the mind. What I learned from my stroke
Jill Bolte Taylor
Mondadori, 2009,
p.182 (2006, My stroke of insight: a brain scientist's personal journey, Publisher Viking)
http://www.ibs.it/code/9788804590101/taylor-jill-b-/scoperta-del-giardino. html

Jeremy in a speech about the TRANCE (in the first segment of Year 2, December 2008) quoted a text, but could not remember the author ...
we identified with the exact title! It is not available in Italian.

Stephen Wolinsky
" trances People Life, Healing Approaches in Quantum Psychology (1992, Bramble books)

Citations of books on World Animal ( from segment II of 1 year, Jeremy , April 2008)

(Temple Grandin's story is told by Oliver Sacks in the chapter "An Anthropologist on Mars" from the book recommended by Jeremy)
Thinking in Pictures. And other evidence of my life autistic Temple Grandin

Centro Studi Erickson (Understanding with heart) 2001, 240 pp.
(Thinking in Pictures: and Other Reports from My Life with Autism, 1996, Vintage)

The car hugs. Talking to the animals
Temple Grandin, Catherine Johnson
Adelphi (The series of cases) 2007, 430 pp.
(Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior, 2006, Harvest)

The TTouch method. Understand and influence the personality of the horse

Linda Tellington-Jones Equity (fairness to study), 2004, 201 pp.
(Getting in Touch: Understand and Influence Your Horse's Personality, 1995, Trafalgar Square)

The TTouch for dogs. Practical Handbook

Haqihana Linda Tellington-Jones, 2004, 144 pp.
(Getting in Touch with Your Dog: An Easy, Gentle Way to Better Health and Behavior, 2001, Trafalgar Square)
In English for the cat (Getting in TTouch with your Cat, 2003, Trafalgar Square)


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